Monday, March 14, 2011

Do the "Doo"

If you are reading this post and you know anything about the Kawasaki KLR, then you know what the title means.  If not, here is what it is  The infamous "doo hickey" is the idler shaft lever that is made (and has been for over 20 years) too light, and has in some instances broken sending bits of metal through the engine.  The KLR is a fantastic - simple, and reliable machine - but this part is it's achilles heal - so much that a guy that goes by "Eagle Mike" has made a business out of providing bullit proof replacement levers - AKA - the DOO.  Most people replace them before the bike hits 5K miles - mine is at 4400 so I did mine.  It's a pretty easy repair because there is so much documentation and youtube videos out there.  It's just time consuming.  I waited for the first warm evening this past February and knocked it out in about 4 hours (and a few beers).  Here are some photos.

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